What I’ve learned about motherhood so far:
Fact: You will eventually, for the first time ever, successfully put your baby down in the middle of the night with zero fuss.
Fact: You won’t believe it’s true so you will sit in the dark eating peanut butter crackers while eyeing her suspiciously.
Fact: She will stay calm and asleep and softly and adorably coo.
Fact: You are super mom! You are clearly older and wiser than you were 5 days ago.
Fact: You will then smile to yourself and quietly tiptoe to the bathroom where you will proceed to drop your iPhone and it will clatter loudly on the tile floor, prompting her to scream like a banshee.

6 lbs. 10 oz, 20 inches, big brown eyes, and a head full of hair – our sweet Sofia has arrived and we are so in love! The last two weeks have been filled with happy tears, sleepy eyes, and lots and lots of diapers.
Contractions started late on a Tuesday night and continued on through the week before they were close enough together to be admitted to the hospital. We grabbed our hospital bag that had been sitting on our bedroom floor for 8 weeks, loaded up the car, and held hands as we made the silent drive to the labor and delivery unit. With each contraction, with each consciously slow inhale and exhale, the anticipation of finally meeting this child for whom we had prayed – this little baby that had consumed our thoughts and our hearts all year long – was high.
You can read every book, ask a million questions, listen to the stories of those around you, but there’s nothing that can prepare you for the moment when you hear your baby’s first cry and feel the weight of her on your chest. You count her ten little fingers and ten little toes and you watch her wrap her little hand around your finger and you know in that moment you will do everything to always keep her safe and happy.
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.” Psalm 139:13-14

Congratulations! You are at the start of an amazingly unique, challenging, rewarding journey. Good luck!
Thank you so much, Esther!
Congratulations! Your life will never be the same again . . . forever! ;->
Virtual hugs,
<3 Thank you, Judie!! We are so ready!! I hope you had a great weekend!
Oh Jasmine, huge huge congratulations. What a beautiful little girl, adore her name too. That photo of you two is just incredible, you look amazing!!!
Hope you are recovering well. Sounds like you are doing an amazing job already xx
Franny, thank you so much!! We are overjoyed and have so much to learn but have been so eager to do so. Thank you for the sweet congratulations!!! ❤❤
Yay! How wonderful. Congratulations! I’m glad it sounds like everything went well.
Thank you, Mani!! You must teach me all that you know ☺
Sofia is perfect. Congratulations to you, Jasmine!!! <3
Thank you, dear friend!!
Congratulations Jasmine and husband! She’s beautiful. May God bless you three richly all the days of your lives. Great Psalm quote too! ?❤️
Thank you so much for the kind words, John!
Aww, congratulations! That’s wonderful news!
Thank you so much!
Congratulations on your new family of three! Praying for y’all.
❤❤ Thank you, Jazz!
Congratulations Jasmine, and to your hubby on the birth of your little bundle of joy. Sofia is so precious and so beautiful. Enjoy every moment, and thank you so much for sharing your wonderful news. Much love.
Thank you for the kind and supportive words now and during this entire pregnancy, Lynne!! They mean a lot to me. Sending lots of love your way!
You are so welcome xxx
What wonderful news! She is beautiful and you look radiant! Congratulations! Enjoy every moment of magic! xoxo
Thank you so much for your sweet words, Kelly!! ❤ I hope you’re having a great start to your week.
Congrats Mom-the are a miracle and a gift (now you see why I have 5!). Lol It gets better and better- good job! x
oops they!
I definitely can see why you do!! ❤ Becoming a parent is such a great joy. Thank you so much, Cheryl!!
Congratulations dearest Jasmine! Wonderful news and thank you for sharing some pictures of Sofia with us. What a cutie! And I just love the name! xx
Thank you very much, Roberta!! We are overjoyed!! ?
Congratulations on your little bundle of joy, she is so adorable! Many blessings to you all!
Thank you, Marisa!!! ❤❤
Congratulations. She is beautiful ?
Thank you, Megha!
Oh Jasmine– this is the post I’ve been waiting to read! You told it all so beautifully (made me tear up!) So happy for you all!! God Bless in all the joys and exciting days you have ahead. Wonderful news!! hugs from here!
Thank you, Rhonda!! You’ve been so loving and supportive during this time and I couldn’t be more grateful!!!
You’re going to love being a Mom Jasmine– and I know you’ll be the biggest blessing in her little life… So happy for you all! xox
So precious! Congratulations!
Thank you!!!
Congratulations Jasmine! Sofia is adorable!
Enjoy each moment with her, and enjoy some sleep!
Thank you so much!!! <3
Congratulations Jasmine! I am sorry this took so long. I am not seeing your posts for some reason! What a gorgeous mother and daughter! I hope you are doing well. xo
Thank you, Lynn!! I have not been very good at updating the blog the last few months, so you have not missed anything!! 🙂 Thank you so very much for your sweet words – I hope you are doing well, too!
Congratulations on your beautiful new family addition!
Thank you so much, Jenny!!
<3 So precious.
Thank you, friend!!