We have officially entered our third trimester!
The last 6 months have really flown by. This pregnancy journey has been such an enjoyable and rewarding one, and every week there are changes and developments to look forward to.
When I began this third trimester I had several big moments of anxiety where I felt flooded with thoughts and doubts about being a new mom. You spend a lot of your first pregnancy preparing for…well, pregnancy. Your weeks are filled with symptoms and information about development while you anxiously wait for positive news with each monthly appointment, and that takes up a lot of your energy and focus. And now that we’re finally here we are switching gears to figure out exactly how on earth to care for a newborn!
At this point in my journey, our sweet little girl is as active as can be. She gets hiccups and rolls and kicks and even responds to Tyler talking to her every night (when he tells her things like, “Don’t listen to what Mom says when she drives!”). My energy levels were at an all time high during the second trimester, but I can tell they’re starting to slowly drop, and the changes in my body have put some strain on my lower back and sides.
Bring on the waddling.
In May, Tyler and I took a trip to the Bay Area for a long weekend to enjoy some relaxation and one final getaway! Although we’ve done some traveling since getting married, it had been about 3 years since we took a vacation just for us, and we enjoyed every second of it.

The Nursery:
We have completed as much of the nursery as we can at this point. The crib, changing table, and glider are all up and ready for use! This room had previously been my “wo-man cave” which I used for taking my food photos and reading, so there was already a couch and a side table, but we’ve added some decor, including wall art, a new rug, and a pouf.
Tyler and I have spent days sitting in this peaceful room, rocking on the glider and sitting on the floor, talking about all the excitement and joy that will soon enter this sweet little space.

What’s Left on Our List:
Names: We need to finalize her name! We called her “Shrimpy” for the few months, and that certainly won’t do…so that’s next on our to-do list.
Birthing Classes/Hospital Bag: We have a few more classes to take at our hospital in the next month (the one I’m really looking forward to is a class based off of the book The Happiest Baby on the Block), and I’ll finish getting my hospital bag ready! Right now it’s filled with snacks. Priorities, amirite?
Nesting: Nesting has definitely kicked in, so every weekend I’ve been running around like a mad woman making sure to check things off my list – from random errands like buying towel bar replacements for our guest bathroom to wiping down baseboards. …I swear they looked fine up until a few weeks ago.
Preparing our dogs: For the past couple of years, Sam and Sadie have been treated like our babies, so it’s important to us that introducing a new baby into our home is an easy transition. We’ve let them come into the nursery to smell her furniture, clothes, and car seat to familiarize themselves. I’ve read that weeks before delivering it’s helpful to wear baby lotion and oil on our hands, and that when I am in the hospital it’s apparently good to have someone bring home the baby blanket for them to get used to that scent. We’ve seen them with babies and so we’re pretty sure it’ll be an easy introduction, but being prepared gives us one less thing to worry about and ensures a healthy and safe environment for everyone.
Although I do have a sinking suspicion they’ll be just fine.

In the next few months, I am looking forward to:
Baby showers! The next few weeks will be filled with celebrating with those dear to us, and though we’re far away from a lot of our family and friends, we couldn’t feel more grateful to have such a wonderful support system.
And that’s that!

Such a beautiful post Jasmine. I wish you all such happiness and joy with your little one. i am sure you will decide on a lovely name, and I am sure your other precious babies, Sam and Sadie are just going to adore your bundle of joy. The nursery looks gorgeous…and don’t worry, you will be amazed how caring for a newborn will come naturally. Have a great day further. ๐
Lynne, thank you so much for the kind words and words of encouragement!! It really means a lot to me! <3
Such a wonderful post Jasmine! May God bless your family richly. โค๏ธ?
Thank you so very much, John!!
What a sweet nursery! So excited for you and your family!
Thank you so much, Jazz! ?
So so excited and happy for you. Sounds like you are so organised and ready to meet your little lady. Amazing that you have such a great support system in place. Nursery looks so beautiful xxx
Ah, you are so kind, Franny, thank you for the sweet words. I will be referencing your blog a lot for your good advice!! <3
I hope some of it is useful for you lovely. Also, forgot to say how blissful your babymoon looked! xxxx
Such a beautiful post, Jasmine! I am so happy and excited for you! The nursery looks lovely and peaceful … perfect for a baby girl! ๐
Thank you so much, Anna!! <3 Having the nursery ready just makes us even that more excited. ๐ It is so good to hear from you!
1. I WISH I HAD KNOWN YOU WERE GOING TO HMB! It’s my FAVORITE place!! Best place for a baby moon! ๐
2. I’m obsessed with the nursery. I love the “love you more” pillow. I might need one for myself.
3. How cute is Tyler and his “don’t listen to what mom says when she drives”?! Haha!! I love that. You guys are going to be the best parents!
Thank you, Sara!! The pillowcase is from PCB Home – they have an Etsy shop and a website and they have so many cute things. I can see why HMB would be your favorite place! It was amazing!
Aren’t those moments sitting in the nursery together and talking about your sweet daughter, just the most wonderful? We do that a lot and I just love it! Speaking of your nursery – it’s so sweet! Love the colors!
I’m with you on snacks being super important! That was one the first things I had packed in my hospital bag too, haha! Good luck on picking a name!
Thank you, Rach! Yes, these are these are the sweetest moments – the months of anticipation and hope and daydreams!
Such a pretty nursery Jasmine and congratulations you’ll make a wonderful mom??
Thank you so much, Marisa! <3
So many wonderful things in one post! Sounds like pregnancy is treating you well! ๐ Your little vacation sounds perfect, and I love that you’ve both been spending time in the room already. Also, you should totally name her Shrimpy. Haha! Good luck with the rest!
I feel like Shrimpy could really start trending for baby girl names this year, don’t you?! ๐ Thank you so much, Mani!!! Hope you’re feeling great this last stretch of pregnancy!
I am so happy for you!
Thank you so much!! We are so excited! ?
Haha I love that your hospital bag is full of snacks only right now ๐ I feel ya mama-to-be! Enjoy these weeks ahead ๐
??? Thank you so much!
Hi Jasmine– loved loved hear all the newest news! It sounds like you truly are ready– i know you’ll be a wonderful mom. And you don’t have to be energetic these days– Larry used to say to me, “You don’t have to work hard on the outside, because you’re working hard on the inside!!” And– the baby room is simply beautiful– such gentle hues. It loos restful and sweet. My daughter liked the Happiest Baby on the Block book too. Also Bringing up Bebe (an American mom married to a British man raising children in France– lots of practical ideas). Praying all goes well in these final weeks, that you’ll find good rest and a lot of joy as you anticipate all that’s ahead. There’s nothing sweeter than being a mom!! Blessings… xox
Thank you so much, Rhonda! You were one of the first people I told!! ๐ I love Larry’s advice – so supportive and so very true! We really enjoyed the Happiest Baby on the Block class and now I am looking forward to reading more of the book. And I agree about Bringing up Bebe!! I read it early in the pregnancy and realized that I had been raised very similarly to this (learning to not to be bored and sit still around adult gatherings and not being allowed to be picky about food, etc.). Thank you so much for your continued love, prayers, and support! I always look forward to hearing from you!
God Bless you Jasmine– praying all goes smoothly in the weeks ahead– and that you find all the joy there is in this new little person come into the world! hugs from here!
Thank you so much, dear Rhonda!!
Congratulations on your news and look forward to meeting your new arrival soon.
Thank you very much!
So happy for you dear!!!! much love
Thank you, Lynn!